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How to play Checkers

Checkers, also called Draughts, is one of the world's oldest board games.

Two players take turns moving pieces diagonally on a board of 64 light and dark squares.

The goal is to capture all of the opponent's pieces by jumping over them with one of your own pieces.

Rules of the Game

  • Set up the board with 8x8 squares, alternating dark and light squares.
  • Place 12 pieces on the dark squares closest to each player.
  • Players take turns moving a piece diagonally to an adjacent unoccupied square.
  • If an opponent's piece is on the square directly beyond a player's piece, the player can "jump" over it and capture it.
  • A player must make a capture if possible.
  • A piece that reaches the opponent's end of the board is crowned and becomes a "King" and can move forward and backward.
  • The game ends when a player has captured all of their opponent's pieces or no more moves can be made.

Tips on winning

  • Control the center of the board.
  • Try to keep your Kings together and use them to support each other.
  • Try to force your opponent to make moves that leave their pieces vulnerable to capture.
  • Plan ahead and look for opportunities to make multiple captures in a single turn.

The History of Checkers

Checkers has a long history, with evidence of similar games being played in ancient civilizations, such as Egypt, more than 5000 years ago.

The modern game was developed in the 18th century and has been a popular game ever since, with many variations being played in different parts of the world. The first "World Checkers/Draughts Championship" was held in the 1840s to recognize the best players.
